Tuesday 20 November 2012


I just adopted a new life verse. From now on, if asked, “What is your life verse?” I will answer, “It is from the gospel according to Wayne Gretsky…’ I skate to where the puck is going to be, not to where it was.’” Actually, that quote is very similar to one made by Paul in Philippians 4:13 where he says, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (NIV). So may I encourage you today. Give up dwelling on the past. Skate to where the puck is going to be. Ultimately, there are better days ahead. – Johnboy

Thursday 11 October 2012


This month I am thankful to be witness of how our music ministry is blessing others. It’s great to have people come up to me and share how much our CD “Focused On You” has meant to them and how they play it over and over again. Just yesterday, while in a restaurant, one gentleman shared how he listens to it every day as he is working out on his exercise treadmill. Later, a second man came over to the table and said that he had replaced on old favorite CD that he had in his player for months with ours which he listened to at least once a day. What an encouragement to know that our songs are not only enjoyed are constantly touching hearts and lives. PTL! Johnboy.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Behind the song: "WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE"

She was ninety-nine years and ten months old and in her last days on earth. The determination and straining to reach the venerable age of one hundred were over. Life was ebbing quickly. My mother-in-law had lived a good life. Married to a butcher, she had worked in their small shop every day and raised three exceptional daughters, all of whom had graduated from university and gone on to have exemplary careers and later families of their own. Everyone who knew her loved “Georgie.” Now confined to bed in a wonderful nursing home, she slipped in and out of lucidity, her body and mind simply wasting away. Keeping her comfortable and accompanied were the foremost causes of family, friends, care-givers and physicians. During her last weeks her daughters, including my wife, grandchildren and other close relatives sought to be at her bedside on a continuing basis. Her final earthly home became ours in those days as well. Over those last hours and days a fascinating ritual developed. Georgie would be lying peacefully, seemingly in some degree of comatose state. Then she would start to speak in a little more than a moan. The words were always the same. “Water, water, water,” she would repeat. “Water, water,” the volume would increase until whoever was in the room at the time would spring to her side with a cup of water and place it to her lips so she could sip the cool wetness. This ritual went on for days, all day, every day, all night, every night. As her strength waned she became unable to even sip from the cup. Eventually the nurses gave us a syringe, minus the needle. When the “water” call came we would suck water from the cup into the syringe and squirt it gently into Georgie’s mouth. Once satisfied, she would return to “sleep” and the vigil would continue. One day, just before the end, my wife and I had finished our day long stint at the nursing home and were driving home. I can still remember it like it was yesterday. It was as if an audible switch had turned on a light bulb in my brain. “I just had a thought,” I exclaimed. I wonder if Mom isn’t so much wanting a sip of water when she cries out like that. “I wonder if she sees herself standing at ‘The River’ wanting to cross to ‘the other side’ but she can’t get there.” We agreed that this could be a possibility. The next day, we returned to Georgie’s bedside and waited to see if she would call out once again, “Water, water.” Soon the call came. This time, rather than spring to give her some, I went to her, bent low and close and said, “Mom, it’s John. Can you hear me?” She nodded, “Yes.” “Mom,” I said, “What do you see? Do you see water, like a river, that you’d like to cross, but you can’t?” “Yes,” she whispered. “I know someone who can take you across. Jesus has been there many times. When He comes for you don’t hesitate. Just trust Him. He will take you home to the other side.” I then prayed a short prayer in her ear, asking the Lord to be gracious to her and gently take her home with Him. I returned to my chair beside the bed and our wait began again. Suddenly, Georgie began to utter a sentence that we had never heard her say before. In her weakened voice, she began to repeat over and over again, “I love the Lord. I love the Lord. I love the Lord.” This stunned us but we rejoiced in her response. Less than two days later, Georgie crossed the “water” and entered her eternal home.

Wednesday 30 May 2012


God is good! Our official CD launch on May 13th (Mothers Day) was a huge success. We filled the theatre in Stouffville. The crowd was enthusiastic. We were blessed to have Matthew Eeuwes on violin and Covenant Award Winner Rick Ash with us on piano. Phil Pugh’s solo was a blessing as well.
Now as they say "Onward and Upwards", we are enjoying our journey singing praises to the King of Kings and hope that our music ministry will be an inspiration to others and lead them to Him.
Remember us in your prayers as we begin to seriously promote the CD via email, Facebook, Twitter and Christian media across Canada and into the USA.
Fathers Day is June 17th this year and I can’t think of a better gift for father than the CD “Focused On You.” (I'm a bit biased though)
“Since I got the CD, I cannot stop listening to it every day,” is a quote we hear over an over. So go to the link right here on our blogspot and get your order in so you can have it delivered in good time…and happy Fathers Day on the 17th.

Thursday 3 May 2012


http://www.tworship.com - an twitter worship experience like none other, if you are on twitter follow @mcprodigal
http://www.spreadingjoy.org - want to put a smile on someone's face, check out SpreadingJOY, if on twitter follow @spreadingjoy
http://www.womensbiblecafe.com, an online Christian bible study, if you are on twitter follow @lifeverse
http://www.praisehisname.net - great Christian programming all day long!     If you are on twitter follow @PHNRadio


Sunday 1 April 2012


We asked our Dave who sings lead a few questions to help you get to know him a little better...
Q - Hometown and Family info
A - Born in Toronto and our family home of Dad, Mom, and four boys was in Scarborough.Met my wife Sheila at a little church in Ballantrae, and we have now been married for 38 years. We have two married daughters (great sons-in-laws) and three grandchildren.
Q - What would you consider your greatest gift that God has given you?
A - The greatest gift that God has given me is salvation by having faith in Jesus Christ. I sure don't deserve it, and I know I couldn't earn it, so it truly is the greatest gift.
Q - Hobbies?
A - I have always enjoyed playing various sports - from the younger years of football and baseball, to current years of golf and oldtimers hockey. I've always enjoyed music and my kids think I'm still stuck in the 60's with the music I listen to.
Q - When did you accept Jesus into your heart?
A - Our family didn't go to church when I was a child, but our aunt took me and one of my brothers to a summer Kid's Club at a church when I was 10 years old. It was there that I heard that Jesus died for me and accepted him as my saviour.
Q - Favorite Bible Verse? Do you incorporate that into your daily life and how?
A - Philippians 1:6 "being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." What a great promise to have every day!!
Q - What does singing in The Springvale Boys afford you?
A - Apart from the patience learned from putting up with Herb, singing with the Springvale boys has been a source of joy!

Tuesday 27 March 2012


We asked all the boys a few questions about life, here are John's answers!
QUESTION: Tells us about your hometown and family
I was born in the Beaches area of Toronto during WW II. Dad was a Baptist pastor while Mom stayed home to raise me, my sister and brother. There was little money but we had the love of God, parents, family and church to raise and nurture us in His ways.
QUESTION: What would you consider your greatest gift that God has given you?
Next to salvation, I have been blessed with an amazing wife of 52 years and great children and grand children.
QUESTION: Hobbies?
In my earlier years, I did a lot of running, played golf and enjoyed other sports such as hockey. I learned to play the trumpet and piano. I have always been actively involved in my local church.
QUESTION: When did you accept Jesus into your heart?
I clearly remember sitting in the front row of church at a very early age listening and watching as a chalk artist drew sheep and a shepherd and challenged us to be like sheep and follow the great Shepherd. I went home after the service and asked my Mom about following Jesus and she led me to Him in our kitchen.
QUESTION:Favorite Bible Verse? Do you incorporate that into your daily life and how?
One of my favorite verses is Col 1:16b “All things were created by Him and for Him.” The thought that I was made to honor and magnify the Lord in every area of my life humbles and challenges me to live for Him.
QUESTION: What about these Springvale Boys?
About six years ago four of us got together after church one morning. We agreed to practice and sing a quartet song in church…talk about a humble beginning. Our Worship Leader dubbed us The Springvale Boys and the name stuck. Since then we have been pleased and honored to have sung in scores of venues (churches, seniors’ homes, community events) and have been amazed at how much people appreciate our music and the extent to which it has impacted their lives. Being able to write original songs that we have incorporated into our repertoire has added to our blessing. We look forward to continuing to be of service to Him as long as He allows.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Meet Herb - we always say he is always behind bars searching for a key.

Before we start blogging our heart, we thought you might like to meet all the boys first. So today meet Herb! (and don't forget to check out the video of him below, but SHHH don't tell hime we posted it! )

Herb and his wife Alene have lived in the Stouffville/Markham area all their lives. They have two daughters and four grand children. Herb is recently semi retired and they presently operate Welcome Homecare Services, an in home care service for seniors.

Herb will always be in awe of Gods plan of salvation. Born and raised in a a Mennonite home, he was in church whenever the doors were open. However, at the age of 17 decided that was not for him and for the next 10 years traveled in life’s “left “ lane at a rather high rate of speed! One Sunday morning (when he was usually golfing) he got saved at an old fashioned alter in a little church in Altona just east of Stouffville. Nothing has been the same since.

God’s greatest gift of His Son is at the top of Herb’s list of things to be grateful for. Close family ties are a priority and much time is spent keeping in close contact with his grand kids who he says keep him young.

Herb has been known to keep many golf course attendants busy replacing divots. He has also been known to fly the odd aircraft although not as much as he would like. At one time he was an instructor and did spend time flying for a living for a few years. Spends his winters at the hockey rink watching the grand sons play hockey

His favorite verse is Psalm 46:10…Be still and know that I am God….(for someone who finds standing still a problem that verse is a real challenge.)

Singing with “the boys” is the realization of a dream he has had for many years. The rewards are endless and he is in constant amazement that God has let him be part of a ministry that lets him stay close to home and still fulfill his desire to serve through singing.

To any one who would like to sing in a group he gives this advise…..don’t make any plans…..let God do that….just be available to His leading and know that where ever He leads is where you need to follow.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Where There's His Will, There's a Way.

I had been mulling this phrase over for some time. Like most of us, I had known the common phrase where there’s a will there’s a way for years. I could even relate it to scripture verses on perseverance, faith and finishing the race.
After a while I began to see that if I changed the little “a” in the middle of the phrase to “His” it took on a much deeper meaning for the Christ follower. Who hasn’t faced a choice or decision, perhaps one with profound life-changing implications that seemingly had no good answer or solution? Yet didn’t He promise to never leave us nor forsake us if we followed Him? At just the time I was pondering these matters something amazing happened.

I had been involved in a dedication service for our new church addition that featured a well-known preacher from our area. As such I had to sit on the front row with an honored guest. During the message given so eloquently by the preacher I was aware that a friend had brought a man with him who was going through huge family and business issues that were taking him to the end of his rope financially and personally. I was praying for that stressed man throughout the sermon.

When the meeting ended the preacher came down off the platform right in front of where I was sitting. It seemed that as his foot touched the auditorium floor the troubled man was facing him with a grim look on his face. Because it all happened so fast, I could not help but overhear the ensuing conversation.

 “Pastor, thank you for your wonderful message,” said the man. “I am in terrible trouble. I am about to lose my business and my wife and I don’t know where to turn.” Without hesitation, the preacher looked him in the eye and said in a very direct manner and tone, “Have you invited God into your situation?” “No,” said the man.

 At that point, I was too close for comfort to a God-moment that I felt I should not be a part of and I stood up and left the area so the two men could do spiritual business right there at the front of the church.

“Have you brought God into your situation?” What a question! Why? Because WHERE THERE’S HIS WILL THERE’S A WAY. Think about it. Then and there a song was born that has, even in its infancy, ministered to many.